Business No: 895282358RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
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Our Vision: Supporting recovery from mental illness in a community that guarantees: a place to come to, meaningful work, meaningful relationships, and a place to return to.
Our Mission Potential Place is dedicated to maintaining a community for individuals with mental illness through participation, personal development and empowerment.
The Clubhouse recovery model promotes the concepts of participation, personal development and individual empowerment.
We believe that people with a persistent mental illness have the potential to achieve a satisfying and meaningful life, gainful employment, as well as meaningful and productive social activities. These are powerful re-generative and re-integrative forces.
The Clubhouse model can make real and positive differences in the lives of people with a mental illness.