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Registered Name: PLUG-IN INC

Business No: 119095016RR0001


Since 1972, Plug In ICA has existed as a platform for the creation and dissemination of art in both local and international arts communities. Together, we've supported hundreds of artists to create meaningful work that critically engages and reflects our wider social context.

As members, you've fostered this dialogue and created space by way of free admission and access to contemporary art and art education tools. 

Being one of Canada’s oldest institutes of contemporary art, Plug In ICA has contributed pivotal and ambitious exhibitions such as the Paradise Institute, Plug In's submission to the Venice Biennale in 2001; Close Encounters: The Next 500 Years (2011), a massive exhibition focussed on indigenous artists spanning eleven galleries, and more recently STAGES, a biennale of temporary public art sculptures and performances that engage with the place commonly known as Winnipeg. Throughout Plug In's history, you as members have addressed community needs, pushing Plug In ICA to become an incubator for important arts organizations in Manitoba. 

We passionately believe in the importance of interrogating where we sit as an organization and dismantling institutional identities to empower + enrich communities.  Because of the continued support of members like you, we are able to continue operating as a not-for-profit exhibition space offering free programming + tools such as Interpreting [Interrupting] Youth, Summer Institute, artist talks, curriculum guides, and the Art Research Centre.

This year, in celebration of half a century of programming, we’ve partnered with #GivingTuesday + CanadaHelps to raise funds so Plug In ICA can remain a free and accessible space to engage with critical, experimental, and dynamic work.   

Help us reach our $5,000 goal before #GivingTuesday, on November 30th, 2021, and support an extra magical 50th anniversary of Plug In ICA!