OHEYS Autism Programs
Registered Name: Winnipeg Optimal Health Early Years Sports Club Inc.
Business No: 861179083RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Our programs are set up to promote individual goal-setting and achievement and to maximize accountability, accessibility and inclusion.
OHEYS Autism Programs is a registered charity in Manitoba that designs and delivers community-based activity programs for children and teens on the autism spectrum. We promote the principles of healthy children and families, and the full and active participation of children with autism in our community.
Our mandate is to provide group activity opportunities, with a high coach-to-child ratio, where we will work pro-actively on social and physical skills in that setting. We provide direct community service to families of children with autism, and provide professional and leadership training and experience to high school and university youth as coaches and volunteers. Volunteers are an essential part of our programs, and typical siblings are always encouraged to volunteer. We have a family friendly approach, as we recognize the important role parents play in planning for their child’s success.