Business No: 879681518RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
We provide a safe heaven for injured/orphaned wildlife. Our specialty are bears and ungulates, but all wildlife in need is accepted.
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Our Mission
* to provide young injured and/or orphaned wildlife with a safe and healthy environment to mature into adulthood, upon which they are released back to the wild
* to educate the public about wildlife needs and what threatens them and how we can take steps to avoid conflict and assist in peaceful coexistence
* on-going research to be compiled and shared with the public, educational facilities/students, government policy makers and professionals
Founded in 1990 the Northern Lights Wildlife Society provides injured and/or orphaned wildlife with a temporary safe heaven, before releasing them back to their natural habitat. The Shelter accepts animal’s province wide and works in close conjunction with other shelters. We specialize in carnivores (mainly bears) and ungulates (moose & deer) but accept all mammals and birds. Birds typically are forwarded to other shelters that specialize in their care. The Society is actively involved in a number of research projects and is also active in public education about peaceful co-existence with wildlife. In 2007 NLWS started the first official Grizzly Rehab program in the world in cooperation with the BC Government. A total of 36 grizzly cubs have been admitted so far and are being monitored via GPS collars after their release. Over 650 black bears came to us so far and we could release 95% of those back into the wild.
supporter wall
Kassidi J donated $50.00!
Thank you for all the hard work and long hours you put in to help the creatures!...
Sandra M donated $25.00!
The wonderful work you do is so valuable! Thank you!
Walter B donated $50.00!
Thank you so much for the work you do!
Eldon Y donated $1,000.00!
I am so grateful there are societies such as yours that help care for the wildli...
Erin B donated $250.00!
For Tobi from tobiano and his friends at NLWS! Love Erin boscariol - thanks for ...
Melody Z donated $20.00!
Thank you for all the great work you do!