The North Toronto Community Band is a concert band of about 50 amateur musicians of all ages who gather on Monday nights from September to May to practise and perform together. We play a wide variety of music - arrangements of show tunes, film music, classical transcriptions, big band jazz, marches and solo features, as well as some original works for concert band.
NTCBand was formed in 1998 and consists of approximately 50 members ranging in age from 18
to 80. Brought together by a passion for playing concert band music, members come with diverse musical backgrounds and different skill levels.
We appreciate your support.
Most of the band members are volunteers, in fact we pay to play!. There are major expenses which must be covered. Most of our performances are unpaid or we are paid a small honorarium. We need your help because of the continuing and often increasing costs of rehearsal space, concert space, honorariums for the conductor, guest artists, and the cost of putting on our annual gala. The cost of musical scores is also considerable.
Many people in the band loved making music in high school, took 5, 10 or 20 years off, and have returned to playing.
We are a concert band, a wind symphony, a symphonic wind ensemble, however you name it. We are made up of mostly wind instruments: trumpets, trombones, french horns, oboe, bassoon, euphonium, flutes, saxophones, clarinets, a few percussionists and a string bass to round it off.
We perform five or six free concerts each season - usually performances for local seniors' residences like the Sunnybrook Veteran's home.