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Business No: 884215013RR0001



Our Mission

To provide research and public education regarding the environmental, social, mental, physical and health needs of women, families and society in general.


The NCWC Education fund works closely with the National Council of Women of Canada, which represents over 500,000 Canadians through its many federates: Nationally Organized Societies, Provincial and Local Councils of Women and their federates.

Joint research has been done and public education programs held over more than 20 years on the following:

Housing is a Human Right will be our focus from 2023 - 2025. 

Our speaker at NCWC's virtual meeting on November 25, 2023, is Kaite Burkholder Harris who will speak to Ending Homelessness 101: How We Get There. Kaite is the Executive Director at the Alliance to End Homelessness Ottawa. Previously, she worked at the national level as a Policy Analyst with Reaching Home, the federal government’s Homelessness Partnering Strategy. In 2018, Kaite worked as a System Planner with the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness and spent a number of years working as the Project Manager for A Way Home Ottawa in preventing and ending youth homelessness.

Listening to, learning from, and acting on the Recommendations of the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Inquiry has been our Common Program for the past couple of years and continued until June 2023. Some of our speakers have been:

Qajaq Robinson, former Commissioner with the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, spoke to: "The Way Forward" at the NCWC Education Fund presentation on October 29, 2020, during the NCWC's 127th virtual AGM.

Mi'kmaw lawyer, professor, author, and social justice activist Dr. Pamela Palmater spoke at our virtual Education Fund luncheon on May 29, 2021, during NCWC's 2021 virtual AGM. 

On February 4, 2022, Senator David Arnot spoke to Reconciliation, Respect, and Rights - "We are all Treaty People" at a virtual event.

On June 3, 2023, Jennifer Moore Rattray, the recently appointed Ministry of Justice Special Representative spoke during NCWC's AGM. Her mandate is to provide advice and recommendations through engagement with survivors, families, partners and organizations. Jennifer is a member of the Pupeekisis First Nation in Saskatchewan and currently holds the title of Chief Operating Officer at the Southern Chief’s Organization; is the former chief Executive  Director of the National Inquiry into the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls; and a former Assistant Deputy Minister with the province of Alberta.

Young Women and Violence Prevention 

Securing Our Future - the Economics of Later Life - action plans/curricula developed to help young women plan for a healthy economic future.

Canada's Water - an exploration of threats to its security, such as water shortages, impacts of mega dams, drought, mining, and the a need for a National Water Strategy.

The Water/Energy Connections Project - a comprehensive program using public meetings, newsletters, website, and a cross-Canada survey on water/energy use; public opinion on government energy and water policies and programs to explore how to protect the Great Lakes, the dangers of nuclear, 'soft' water and energy paths, and climate change, and to develop NCWC policies. (Project funded by the Walter & Duncan Gordon Foundation)

Women and Mental Health - a three-part comprehensive exploration of women's unique mental health experiences. We've worked on this issue in many ways - education, research, advocacy, and linking with other individuals, community agencies, and organizations. The Romanow Commission's Final Report on the Future of Health Care in Canada described mental health as the 'orphan child' of health care in Canada, and recommended that it be brought into the mainstream of public health. Advocacy objectives included, among others: the promotion of human rights of the persons with mental disorders and of their families, and monitoring the life conditions of people with mental illness and their families. Parity of care needs to be assured in all health schemes.


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