Registered Name: North American Shia Ithna - Asheri Muslim Communities Organization
Business No: 119069870RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Donate to this charity
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Our Mission
NASIMCO will harness talents and resources available in member communities for the greater good of global humanity and our communities
NASIMCO was established in 1980 and has served the Shia Community in North America and worldwide since then.
NASIMCO has linked the North American Shia community with the Shias of the world.
NASIMCO has contributed towards all the major natural disasters, eg Katrina, Gujrat Earthquake, Kenya Famine, Bam Earthquake, Pakistan Earthquake and Tsunami.
NASIMCO has a program of sponsoring students for Education and also for sponsoring orphans.
NASIMCO's humanitarian services extends into education, health care, provision of clean water and empowering towards self-sufficiency
supporter wall
Shabnam P donated $70.00!
please create a special link for Imam Zamin A.S. Funds. Thank you for your w...
sonia k donated!
Please use my donation to feed the children/widows poor
MG D donated $65.00!
Continue with the good work to assist those in need.
Kurt N donated $300.00!
Bucknell University
Shabnam P donated $110.00!
I have sent $110.00 to be applied for Imam Zamin A.S./Imam Zamana A.S. Funds/ch...
Sugra R donated $50.00!
Thank you Nasimco for all the work done by your organization