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F405 - Earth Funders Fund

Registered Name: Myriad Canada Foundation

Business No: 769784893RR0001

F405 - Earth Funders Fund

We actively work with NGO’s in the development of climate projects.

Help in the early phase is crucial so that the project can see the light and progressively achieve financial autonomy. We have to give projects enough time & support in order to create impactful results on the medium-long term. Unfortunately, over time, one has seen so many beautiful projects fail because of a lack of funding at the early stages. Developing serious & impactful climate projects is not easy, but they are worth every penny as they have both an enormous environmental & social impact.

In response to this reality, the Earth Funders Fund supports climate projects.

Earth Funders Fund has a four elements approach tackling the major issues of global warming through the most effective solutions in the fight against climate change:

- Earth: projects with a positive impact on the biosphere at large = above and blow ground/above and below water

- Fire: projects with a positive impact on combustion = through the reduction of fossil fuel combustion, increased efficiency or alternative combustion/energies

- Water: projects with a positive impact with water = projects that use, reduce & improve water use & quality for health, energy and improved livelihoods

- Air: projects with a positive impact through renewable energy = solar, wind, hydropower and biomass