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E223 - Preserving World Cultural Heritage at the Bibliothèque nationale de France

Registered Name: Myriad Canada Foundation

Business No: 769784893RR0001

E223 - Preserving World Cultural Heritage at the Bibliothèque nationale de France

The Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) – the National Library of France - is France's oldest cultural organization, originating in 1368 as the Royal Library of Charles V. It has grown over the ensuing 650 years into one of the world's largest, most prestigious, and most digitally accessible libraries. It is a leading custodian of a world heritage and the encyclopedic collections are unique: from books and printed documents, manuscripts, prints, photographs, to maps and plans, scores, coins, medals, sound documents, video and multimedia documents, scenery elements. All disciplines, whether intellectual, artistic or scientific, are represented in a comprehensive way.

Over 44 million documents are preserved. In addition, a digital library, Gallica, provides free access to 10 million documents, for people from around the world to use for reading and learning.


Restore, preserve and make universal heritage accessible to all.


Activities may include:

  • Restoration and digitization of the collections;
  • Acquisition of artwork;
  • Renovation of built heritage sites;
  • Programming of exhibitions;
  • Research activities.

Myriad Canada is working with the Bibliothèque nationale de France on this project, a French national public institution whose mission is to collect, catalogue, preserve, enrich and communicate the national documentary heritage in France. The BnF ensures that as many people as possible have access to its collections, both on-site and remotely, and develops national and international cooperation.

The BnF’s collections, because of their universal character, enjoy a European and international reputation. The BnF has developed partnerships with more than 20 national libraries or archives around the world and contributes significantly to the innovation and development of libraries worldwide by participating in 64 international organizations. Its collections make it the largest library in the world with the British Library in London and the Library of Congress in Washington D.C.