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C602 - Ignite Humanity™ Foundation Fund to promote education

Registered Name: Myriad Canada Foundation

Business No: 769784893RR0001

C602 - Ignite Humanity™ Foundation Fund to promote education

The Ignite Humanity™ Foundation Fund is created at the initiative of Lady JB Owen, a female leader and entrepreneur. She is the Founder and CEO of several companies, including Ignite Publishing.

The Ignite Humanity™ Foundation Fund aims to raise donations to support the education of children in need by facilitating the construction of schools worldwide.

Myriad Canada’s role is to carry out charitable activities across the globe in accordance with its charitable purposes. We control and monitor the use of funds and the progress of charitable activities to ensure that donations made to Myriad Canada have the greatest impact in accordance with donors’ expressed wishes. As a member of the Myriad Alliance with offices in Canada, the US, Europe, Asia and Australia, Myriad Canada has a vast international network and extensive practical expertise.