B520 - Supporting social progress in Pakistan
Registered Name: Myriad Canada Foundation
Business No: 769784893RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Pakistan is ridden with mass poverty, and the gap between the rich and the poor is gaping. The poor are denied basic facilities like education, health, nutrition, clean drinking water, economic opportunities, and sometimes even a roof over their heads.
According to World Bank data, “the estimated lower-middle income poverty rate is 40.5 percent (US$3.65/day 2017 PPP) for FY24” – approximately the same rate as in 2018, but with 7 million more people living below the poverty line.
Following a holistic approach, the aim of this project is to lift people out of poverty and reduce inequalities through education, vocational training, micro-credit, shelter, health, access to clean water and adequate food initiatives in Pakistan.
Project’s activities may include:
- Provide high-quality education for underprivileged children ;
- Provide IT skills training and certified courses for underprivileged youth ;
- Provide capital and technical support for families to set up businesses ;
- Provide clean water through the installation of water wells/pumps/filtration plants and tube wells ;
- Run shelter homes for orphan boys and girls in underprivileged communities ;
- Provide food to disadvantaged people, including daily meals and monthly rations ;
- Run a dispensary for the provision of medical care to the underprivileged ;
- Administrative support (project management, logistics, and monitoring/evaluation).
Myriad Canada is working with Hope Uplift Foundation on this project, a non-profit organization founded in 2000 with the vision of bridging the gap between rich and poor in Pakistan. Thanks to its various public assistance programs and infrastructures (Hope Uplift Foundation schools, shelters, dispensary, medical centre, mobile health units), the Foundation has provided assistance of approx. 90 crores to the underprivileged, handling 2 million cases.