Business No: 119049955RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Our Mission
The purpose of the Muskoka Women's Advocacy Group is to advocate for better life opportunities and increased options for women in Muskoka and to encourage recognition of the value of women in society.
Goals: 1. To identify the special needs of women in Muskoka not currently met.
2. To develop strategies to adress these needs.
3. To implement these strategies.
4. To educate the community about identified needs
-To provide safe and secure shelter to abused women and their children fleeing an abusive home environment.
-To recognize the strength of every woman and offer a supportive, non-judgmental environment for women to make informed choices.
-To recognize the specific and diverse needs of children who have been impacted by an abusive home environment.
-To reflect the needs of women and will include counselling, information and referrals to community resources as women explore their choices, options and alternatives.
-To provide information to the community on the impact of violence against women and their children.
-To participate in community efforts to eliminate all forms of violence against women.
-to use the principles of an anti-racist/anti-oppresive integated framework.
-To integrate relevant public policy issues within their district service practice.
-To receive, acquire and hold gifts, donations, legacies and bequests in furtherance of the objects of the corporation.
-To purchase, lease, erect, construct, build or otherwise acquire, own, operate or use buildings and any other facilities necessary to conduct its purposes and activities.
Muskoka Interval House is a 15 bed women's shelter in Bacebridge, Ontario. Chrysalis is a 10 bed shelter with 10 supportive housing units in Huntsville, Ontario. Both shelters offer residential services, crisis phone lines, individual and group counselling for women and children, court and legal support, community education and co-ordination, community outreach projects, collaborative multi-agency progams and events, violence prevention classes, volunteer training and recycled goods for women and children. Although operational funds are provided by the government, a number of programs and services rely solely on donated funds.