Z MitoSpin 2022

Raising funds for MitoCanada

$80,325.00raised of $150,000.00

Campaign Ended March 12, 2022

MitoCanada is Energizing Lives with our 2022 MitoSpin and we’d like you to join us!

Our incredible national virtual spinning event is back. On  Saturday, February 26th, 2022 inspiring MitoMotivators will help bring out your best for an exciting, exhilarating and inspiring challenge. Whether you pedal for one, two or all five hours, you'll have a blast and help MitoCanada develop life-saving programs, support those living with mitochondrial disease, and advance critical research.

We all have trillions of mitochondria. Every single one of us depends on these tiny powerhouses to fuel our cells -- and lives. When our mitochondria aren’t strong and working properly, we are at risk of losing our energy, ability to move, and even our lives.

MitoSpin is one of our most important fundraising events and we need everyone to help us ensure that all lives are powered by healthy mitochondria.

Let’s crank up the gears:

When: Saturday February 26th, 2022  

7 am - 12 noon PST | 8 am - 1 pm MST | 10am to 3pm EST

Where: You choose the place - this is a virtual event


- Solo: $50 one, two, or all five hours

Fundraising incentives: We need you to help us transform lives. Please ask friends to support you (and us!) and we’ll reward you for your efforts. 



Donated By

Dan Pessotto

Mar 2, 2022 12:26 PM

Donation was made through David Mosher


Donated By

Rinat Avitzur

Mar 2, 2022 9:48 AM

Donation was made through Cruz'n for Mito - Kate and Team


Donated By

Sean Messing

Mar 1, 2022 5:52 AM

Donation was made through AdamKulchyski


Donated By

Sean Messing

Feb 28, 2022 7:05 PM

Donation was made through Leanne Mamchur