About Campaign

Hugh McMeel speaks with an unmistakable Irish lilt, so it only makes sense his virtual dream destination would be to return to Ireland. Hugh grew up in Augher, Northern Ireland, but has cycled all over Ireland – both Northern and Southern – and has particularly fond memories of cycling to Dublin to watch football games (that’s soccer in Canadian-speak). 

No doubt recreation facilitator Rael will put Hugh through his paces on therapy bikes now that she knows he enjoys cycling.  

Hugh has only been at Misericordia Place a few weeks, but it already feels like home.  

“I’ve done a lot of travelling in my life,” he says. “I could just stay here with you kind people and not travel any more.” 



Donated By

Winnipeg Canadian Tire Dealers

May 20, 2021 3:19 PM

“Matching funds!”


Donated By

Brian & Geraldine Taillieu

May 19, 2021 10:37 PM


Donated By

Goerge Schamber

May 16, 2021 1:33 PM

“Hugh, 55 years of your friendship means more than you know. George and Arlette Schamber”


Donated By

Michelle McMeel

May 14, 2021 5:46 PM

“Way to go Dad! Reliving your days of biking in Ireland. We can’t wait until we can visit you soon. Love, Michelle xox”