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Giving Tuesday-Donate to Bring The Mindful Edge™ to More Schools! Together we can Help Teens!

Registered Name: Mindfulness Everyday

Business No: 836933507RR0001

Giving Tuesday-Donate to Bring The Mindful Edge™ to More Schools! Together we can Help Teens!

Teens Need a Lifeline NOW! 

The dramatic increase in student anxiety and stress caused by the pandemic has been widely documented. Overnight everything changed in their lives - learning, connecting with friends, sleep patterns and more. Our students are overwhelmed. Schools are calling for increased support to help create learning environments where their students can feel safe and accepted, and cultivate the human capacity to heal and thrive.

Mindfulness Everyday has worked with Ontario School Boards for more than a decade delivering mindfulness-based programs to students, educators and parents that support mental health and wellness. This year, with the current ministry of education budget cuts our ability to bring this evidence- based program  to schools has been impinged. We remain committed to continue to deliver these programs. We need your help.  

The Mindful Edge™ program Mindfulness Everyday created for students has been taught for over a decade through our partnership with the Toronto District School Board. It has also been implemented in the York Region District School Board.  We've seen the benefits for teens when they learn life strategies and coping skills that develop resilience and enhance their readiness to learn.

You Can Help Reduce Teen Anxiety and Stress on Giving Tuesday 

We're offering schools an opportunity to deliver the first 5 sessions of The Mindful Edge™ virtually.  We want to reach more schools - Our goal is $75,000.00 - with this campaign. 

After Black Friday and Cyber Monday, join the movement dedicated to giving- #GivingTuesdayOn Tuesday, November 30th, 2021 join this global generosity movement and give to Mindfulness Everyday to bring The Mindful Edge™ for Teens program to more schools. You have the power to transform teens' lives and join millions across Canada and around the world making a big difference.Together, we can transform teens' lives. 
With gratitude,
Heidi and Steve
Co-Founders of Mindfulness Everyday

Learn More about The Mindful Edge™

In Their Voices: The Benefits of Mindfulness for Students" RH King Academy.