March of Dimes Canada
Business No: 107883928RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
March of Dimes Canada provides programs and services for thousands of Canadian children and adults with physical disabilities.
Champion Equity. Empower Ability.
March of Dimes Canada is a leading national charity committed to championing equity, empowering ability, and creating real change that will help the more than six million people living with disabilities across the country unlock the richness of their lives.
Our Vision
At March of Dimes Canada we envision an inclusive, barrier-free society for all Canadians living with disabilities.
We are working towards a future that is inclusive, equitable, and responsive to the needs of people with disabilities. Our work focuses on the following four areas: The best start for children, youth and families; Independence at home and in the community; Active, healthy, connected lives; and Financial security.
March of Dimes Canada is a leading national charity committed to championing equity, empowering ability, and creating real change that will help the more than six million people living with disabilities across the country unlock the richness of their lives.