Business No: 119026581RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
There's more to church than Sundays! We empower spiritual beings on a human journey to connect with the beauty that is their own soul
Lynn Valley United Church exists to build positive, engaging connections in the community. Serving and nurturing interconnectedness in relationships in the North Vancouver, BC neighbourhood of Lynn Valley, we are a group of passionate and involved people who follow the teachings and wisdom of a radical carpenter from Galilee who changed the world. We serve the community through programs and experiences that nurture faith, peace, love, abundance and fullness. We celebrate the sweetness of life, fully living into our core values of vital community relationships, active hospitality and relevant spirituality.
As a primary focus of our work in the world, Lynn Valley United creates experiences, programs, and space in service of children, youth, and families, wherever they are. As a vibrant community of faith, we devote significant resources to creating opportunities for children, youth, and families to know there is nothing they need to "do" to "earn" love, acceptance and relationship with God.
Whoever you are, wherever you're at on the journey, you are welcome in this place.