Lumsden Beach Camp
Business No: 119114254RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
LBC is about building community, discovering nature, developing leadership and creating an environment where kids flourish - inside and out.
Kids Thrive at Camp!
For decades Lumsden Beach Camp has provided fun and friendship through our summer camp programming. Memories are made, children grow independent and confident, and a community is built because LBC is able to offer subsidized camper fees for hundreds of children each summer.
This is made possible because of you.
Your tax creditable donation goes directly to keeping children swimming, singing and learning in a safe space, cared for by exceptional staff.
You will agree that all children - regardless of religion, sexual orientation, gender expression or financial situation - benefit by spending time outside, in community, challenging themselves and having fun.
Thank you for your generosity in supporting this life-changing work. Your donation goes directly to offering great programming and improving infrastructure, as well as reducing financial barriers so all kids can camp at LBC.