Business No: 107782609RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Empowering adult learners to reach their full potential.
Empowering Learners to Reach their Full Potential
We provide local, high quality literacy and essential skills instruction to adults in support of their personal goals for independence, employment, and further education or training, particularly to those most in need.
We offer a variety of part-time Literacy and Basic Skills programs for adults aged 19+ who require upgrading in reading, writing, basic math, and essential digital skills for employment. In partnership with Sheridan College, we also offer an academic upgrading program (ACE – Academic and Career Entrance). Adults wishing to pursue college entrance or an apprenticeship can earn grade 12 equivalency in English, Math, and Science.
Why is adult literacy so important?
We often think of literacy as only the ability to read and write with ease. In reality, the modern definition of literacy is much broader. Reading, writing, and numeracy are part of a larger set of essential skills that we use every day at work, at home, and in the community. Literacy includes computer and digital technology skills, oral communication, and more. It involves understanding and being able to use the information required in today’s society in order to achieve your goals, reach your potential and navigate more easily in daily life and at work. (Metro Toronto Movement for Literacy (