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Le Roi Community Foundation

Registered Name: Le Roi Community Foundation

Business No: 846714475RR0001

Le Roi Community Foundation

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New! Umbrella Fund

The Le Roi Community Foundation is inviting donations to our Umbrella Fund Campaign, from September 2023 to April 2024 with a goal of reaching $20,000!  

                               Click to Visit our Campaign Page!

Donations will support grants and scholarships in our communities  from Rossland to Fruitvale and Areas A and B.
The Le Roi Foundation granted more than $40,000 to the community this year, but requests from organizations continue to exceed our capacity for funding. 

How to Donate to the Umbrella Fund

You can support this fund without establishing a legacy fund!
Donations can be made through Canada Helps (via the campaign page link above), or by cheque payable to: 
Le Roi Community Foundation
PO Box 3
Trail BC V1R 4L3
Thank you in advance  for your donations!



PO Box 3


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