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Regina Transition House Inc.

Registered Name: Regina Transition House Inc.

Business No: 130167232RR0001

Since 1976, Regina Transition House has provided safe housing and support services to over 14,000 women and children fleeing violence.

Regina Transition House Inc.

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"Supporting women and children to live violence free"

Since opening its doors on January 12, 1976, Regina Transition House has been providing short term emergency housing and services to over 14,000 women and children fleeing violence.  We create physical, mental, emotional and social space for women and children where they can change their lives.

Regina Transition House can accommodate up to 27 people.  Agency staff provide support counselling, safety planning, women's and children's programming, referrals, advocacy, information and education about violence against women.  Outreach programming is in place to support families after their shelter stay.  All services are confidential and are free of charge.  

Funding is provided by the Ministry of Justice, United Way Regina and the City of Regina.  Regina Transition House generates up to 20% of annual operating costs through fundraising, donations and project grants.

Our Mission

Regina Transition House serves the needs of women and children through the provision of safe temporary shelter and support services. We provide education and offer a voice to address family violence.

What people are saying

I finally felt safe. For the first time in thirteen years, I actually slept through the night. It was a new beginning. A turning point.

Lisa, a former resident

supporter wall

  • G. L. M donated $500.00!

    Thankyou for helping those in need.

  • Kathy A donated $50.00!

    RTH is so important to the well-being of our community.

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P.O. BOX 1364


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