Kiwanis Computers for Kids (KC4K)
Business No: 891487647RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
0 days to go
With Schools scheduled to reopen this fall and the COVID-19 Pandemic on-going the Province of Ontario and School Boards will be implementing a mix of in-Class and on-line learning models. Kiwanis is aware that while most children will have access to computers and the internet, there are those in our community who are less fortunate. This "Digital Divide" presented a formidable obstacle to educational inequality before the pandemic. The sudden switch to remote learning has sent the situation into overdrive.
Kiwanis clubs in Eastern Ontario startied up a program to provide computers to as many of those children in need as possible.
We are working closely with the Ottawa Carlton District School Board and Ottawa Catholic School Board to ensure that the Children and families in need are identified and receive the required technology in a timely manner. While the school boards are currently accessing and distributing computers from within available school inventories, they are being provided on an extended loan basis and will have to be returned when the current crisis passes. This leaves these children and families back where they started.
Computers donated by Kiwanis will remain the property of the recipient children. Donating a computer that the child can keep is a longer term solution as it will help close the academic and social gap that exists with lower income families.
$300 will cover the cost of 1 computer
OCDSB Testimonial:
"The OCDSB is pleased to partner with Kiwanis and appreciates their generous offer to provide Chromebooks for distribution to students in need. At this challenging time, these devices will help students to stay connected to their learning and build success now and into the future. We are grateful to the Kiwanis for supporting our commitment to building a Culture of Caring and to help us to meet the needs of all OCDSB students.
OCSB Testimonial:
"Even before the COVID-19 crisis, we have long been aware that the achievement gap for students from low socio-economic status situations paralleled the digital access divide. The pandemic will pass but this initiative by our partners in the Kiwanis Clubs will have far-reaching implications for students to help achieve equity and excellence. On behalf of our students, we are grateful for all of your efforts."
This campaign has ended.
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