K-W Musical Productions
Business No: 118987577RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
K-W Musical Productions gives members of Waterloo Region a chance to experience high-quality community theatre, both on and off stage.
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Kitchener Waterloo Musical Productions (KWMP) is a non-profit community theatre group founded in 1948 as the Twin City Operatic Society. Our goal is to give Waterloo Region residents a chance to experience high-quality community theatre, both on and off stage. We typically produce 2-3 musicals per year and endeavour to make our shows affordable, entertaining and inclusive while providing training for the next generation. KWMP owns and operates a community rehearsal hall that provides affordable rehearsal and performance space.
supporter wall
Marlene B donated $100.00!
Keep up the good work.
Marilyn W donated $25.00!
This donation is in memory of Brooke Meyers, in honour of her work in local arts...
Terry B donated $400.00!
KWMP has been an integral part of the Barna family for over 40 years. Thank you ...