Just Socks
Registered Name: Just Socks Foundation
Business No: 836278176RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Just Socks Foundation providing NEW socks to Canada's homeless and/ or people in need.
Just Socks - An Easy Way to Give!
Just Socks Foundation (Est. 2013) aims to relieve poverty by providing the basic necessities of life.
Justsocks.ca via charity partners, corporate sponsors and public donation, has distributed just under 200,000 pairs of socks to homeless youth, adults and marginally housed individuals in downtown Toronto, Hamilton and surrounding areas.
Did you know? NEW socks are the MOST NEEDED and LEAST DONATED items of clothing at homeless shelters, organizations & charities.
In partnership with McGregor Socks, we can provide a NEW pair of socks to those in need for less than $1.00/pair.
NEW socks help keep feet warm and dry, ward off diseases, help keep people healthy and help them life with the most basic clothing necessity of life.
Socks are purchased online, a bulk order is sent directly to McGregor Socks who subsidy each and every charitable sock order.
Socks are then delivered direct from the manufacturer to partnered charities serving homeless and marginally housed individuals.
It's easy, it's so helpful and it makes you feel good.
With over 250,000 homeless in Canada we need to provide new socks every month of the year to charities, shelters and outreach programs.
Thank you for your support