Jury Lands Foundation
Business No: 839747789RR0002
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
To educate, research and contribute to the rejuvenation a Canadian historic site in Clarington Ontario that has international, national, and local significance with the goal of seeing the site interpreted, preserved and reinvented. The Jury Lands has the distinction of being a Prisoners of War Camp (Camp 30) and a reformatory institution for troubled youth.
The Jury Lands Foundation was formed in 2014 with the goal to educate the public and advocate for the preservation and renewal of the former Bowmanville Boys Training School and Prisoner of War Camp 30. The Foundation is named after J.H.H. Jury who donated his farm to the Ontario Government for the education of troubled youth. In the 1920’s the Boys Training School was established to provide an alternative to approach punishing youth in trouble with the law recognizing that they were not “inherently delinquent” but needed reform in a structured environment in order to thrive and become productive members of society.
The school was built on American correctional school models with modern well-ventilated buildings. The original buildings were inspired by “Prairie Style” architecture and campus plans with cottage residences. Other substantial buildings such as the triple dormitory and the hospital building were added in the 1930’s. Local service clubs provided funding for an indoor pool, gymnasium and some dormitory buildings.
During World War II the property became a Prisoner of War Camp 30 housing over 800 German officers. It is the site of the only “battle” on Canadian soil.
This site is recognized as having national, provincial and local significance for its architectural merit and history.
Working with the Municipality of Clarington, the Jury Lands Foundation seeks to see the preservation and renewal of the buildings
1.To advance education by improving the public’s understanding of the significance of this site.
2.To collaborate with the Municipality of Clarington’s efforts to renovate and refurbish the buildings for uses that harmoniously and sensitively integrate into the existing landscape and the growing community.
3.To enhance the Clarington Museum archives researching the history of the site, collecting stories and documents.