Jewish Memorial Gardens
Business No: 861187201RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Jewish Memorial Gardens is a corporation that manages two Jewish Cemeteries in Ottawa, Ontario, one on Bank Street and one in Osgoode. We represent several synagogues and organizations including Kehillat Beth Israel, Machzikei Hadas, Beit Tikvah, Young Israel, and Temple Israel.
Our two locations include one on Bank Street in Ottawa, and one in Osgoode.
The Bank Street location dates back to 1892, when members of Adath Jeshurun Synagogue established a burial ground for the Ottawa Jewish community. Today, this cemetery covers 14 acres and has areas representing Kehillat Beth Israel, Machzikei Hadas and Beit Tikvah.
The Osgoode location was established in 1976 by Agudath Israel, Beth Shalom, Machzikei, Young Israel, and Temple Israel, to ensure an additional supply of land for future generations. Currently 11 acres have been purchased on this site. In 2016, Agudath Israel and Beth Shalom joined together to form Kehillat Beth Israel.
In 2008, all synagogues came together to transfer the two cemeteries and their management to a single entity, Jewish Memorial Gardens.