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Debt of Love


Business No: 899132963RR0001

Norm Bonk Southern Gospel Recording Artist Childrens Radio Africa Ukraine Seminaries Outreach Childrens Camps Intinerent Ministry

Debt of Love

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In 1995 after 22 years of full time career ministry of pastoring, church planting, six years of International Itinerant Ministry, founding of Circle Square Ranch in Saskatchewan and Shilo Youth Ranch in Alberta, Debt of Love Missionary Ministries was birthed.  In 2008 we also assumed responsibility for two seminaries in Ukraine that had been founded under the leadership and vision of the late Dr. Jack Hunka and Jack Hunka Missionary Ministries.  

God has opened doors for speaking and singing at home and abroad.  Our mission statement is to do the work of an evangelist as well as strengthen, comfort and encourage the body of Christ based on 2 Timothy 4:5 and I Corinthians 14:3.  We have had the privilege to share the gospel with thousands around the world.  Many of these have been with those who Jesus called the greatest among us, the children.  

We have accepted the Divine mandate to awaken the church to reach the children in the 4-14 age group.  Globally this awakening is taking place. The greatest devastation occurs within this age group in the form of war, hunger, disease, abandonment, verbal abuse, sexual abuse and famine; but this is also the age group that responds most enthusiastically to the Love of Christ and most readily accepts Him as their Lord and Savior.  

Some years ago we were asked by High Adventure Radio to provide children's radio broadcasts to African countries including Liberia, Uganda, Kenya and Zambia.  That is a potential audience of 50 million children under the age of 15. 

We have a heart for outreach children's camps in Canada and for over 30 years we annually dedicated much of our time to reaching children.  In 2018 we partnered with Adult and Teen Challenge BC Okanagan to start Love Reins Ranch.  This ranch provides opportunity for the men in addiction recovery programs to experience the benefit of horse assisted ministry.  Love Reins Ranch is committed to not only helping the men but to also reaching children and families with the gospel.  We have had consistent attendance of over 1000 visits a year from local children, youth and families wanting to  experience horse related adventures, activities and life lesson stories. 

All ministry initiatives of Debt of Love Missionary Ministries, operate solely by sponsorship or donation, including Love Reins Ranch.  We appreciate all donations made.  

Our prayer is that God will help us be effective as we follow His call to reach precious souls and to encourage the believers at home and abroad.  

In His Service,

Norm and Joanne Bonk