IWIN (I'm Worth It Now)
Registered Name: IWIN (I'm Worth It Now)
Business No: 784936700RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
IWIN, working with human trafficking investigators, provides backpacks to survivors of human trafficking who are entering a wrap-around program to support them emotionally, physically and spiritually. The backpacks, containing all brand new items, include a change of clothes, toiletry items, a handwritten card of encouragement and a bracelet. A matching bracelet is given to a volunteer prayer warrior to support the survivor through prayer.
IWIN also raises awareness about the atrocity of human trafficking and its prevalence right here in our home country of Canada by providing volunteers with the opportunity to participate in a Red Sand Prayer Service.