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International Women of Saskatoon IWS Inc.

Registered Name: International Women of Saskatoon IWS Inc.

Business No: 126123819RR0001

International Women of Saskatoon IWS Inc.


International Women of Saskatoon (IWS) is a non-profit, grassroots and an equality-seeking women’s organization dedicated to improving the status of immigrant and refugee women and their families residing in Saskatoon and area by assisting them to become full participating members in all aspects of the Canadian society.

The organization formerly known as Immigrant Women of Saskatchewan (Saskatoon Chapter) was founded in 1985. IWS works both independently and in partnership with other agencies and groups to provide uniquely designed programs and services aimed at providing effective settlement/integration support systems to our clients and members. In 2005 we expanded our mandate to include serving women and their families. In so doing, we have introduced programs that are geared toward supporting the unique needs of men; we also actively seek the perspective of young and adult men in dialogues on issues of domestic violence because we believe that many of them could be agents of positive change vis -à-vis the epidemic of intimate partner violence; we have also introduced empowerment summer programs for our children and young people as leaders of tomorrow.

IWS remains a grassroots women’s organization that is committed to the empowerment and advancement of newcomer, immigrant and refugee women and their families.


Unit 301

336 5th Avenue North


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