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Technical and Vocational Skills Training for Women in Gaza


Business No: 132542705RR0001

Technical and Vocational Skills Training for Women in Gaza

The Situation

The economy in Gaza and across Palestine continues to be heavily impacted by restrictions imposed under occupation. Gaza is affected by a stalled peace process increased political instability a protracted fiscal crisis heightened tensions resulting in outbursts of violence in the West Bank and high levels of deprivation in Gaza under a blockade that has now entered its 10th year.

These factors have collectively strained the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, limiting their access to economic opportunities and decent work. Despite high levels of educational attainment, female participation in the labor market across Palestine remains extremely low. Across Palestine, poverty and unemployment rates remain high.

The COVID-19 pandemic has increased unemployment rates in Gaza quite significantly, most notably for women. In the second quarter of 2020, Gaza’s unemployment rate reached nearly 50%. Approximately 42,900 people in Gaza lost their source of income since the end of March 2020.

How IDRF is helping

IDRF is offering classes with different areas of focus, to train women to enter the workforce.

We are offering 3 month training course on

- sewing and embroidery for 30 women

- cooking and food preparation for 60 women

- making various hygiene products including soap, shampoo, sterilization gel, etc. for 60 women.

Following the successful completion of the training programs, the trainees will be provided with certification affiliated entities.

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