Registered Name: Nora's Gift Foundation
Business No: 856446158RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Our Mission
To enhance the lives of others in the local community through various charities.
To ensure that 100% of all of the proceeds are donated to the various charities and families.
We will work to the best of our abilities for the charities and families we assist.
Conduct ourselves with a positive attitude, celebrate our successes and have fun.
We believe everyone at some point in their life reflect on their blessings and recognize that there are many people that are less fortunate. There are families struggling with physical, emotional or financial conditions that have become overwhelming. Many of them are looking for a way to get through these difficult times and need a helping hand.
Nora’s Gift Foundation was created to assist these families either through other registered charitable organizations or directly. These organizations with their caring staff and volunteers have committed their time and efforts to helping families improve their lives and Nora’s Gift Foundation is here to help.