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The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation


Business No: 895438919RR0001

Support the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation and encourage research and engagement on questions of importance to Canada and the world.

The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation


We share your passion for research and public engagement on critical issues facing Canada and the world.

The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation is an independent and non-partisan charity established in 2001 as a living memorial to the former prime minister. By granting doctoral scholarships, awarding fellowships, appointing mentors, and holding public events, the Foundation encourages critical reflection and action in four areas important to Canadians: human rights and dignity, responsible citizenship, Canada and the world, and people and their natural environment.

With your help, we can continue to support a community of people whose research and public engagement plays an important role in helping to build a better world.  

Learn more about our priority funds and direct your 2018-2019 annual fund gift to the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation!

Greatest Needs Fund

Gifts to this fund enable the Foundation to respond to immediate areas of need and emerging priorities in the year in which they are received. The Greatest Needs Fund provides the Foundation with flexible, unrestricted funds to fill gaps and enhance our scholarships, fellowships, mentorships, marketing, and communications.

Public Interaction Fund

This fund leverages the potential of the Foundation’s remarkable community of engaged intellectuals and practitioners. Your gift will be used for programming that puts scholars, fellows, and mentors in contact with stakeholders from civil society, governments, and the private sector so that they can test ideas, share research findings, and debate new points of view. Whether by supporting lectures, conferences, seminars, or projects, your donation to the Public Interaction Fund will further work in the Foundation’s original four themes as well as in our new targeted areas of inquiry.

Endowment Support Fund

This fund helps ensure the long-term financial health of the Foundation. Your gift to the Endowment Support Fund is a commitment to the Foundation’s perpetuity; it helps us continue to mitigate the effects of the international financial context on our investments and keep up with inflation so that we can meet the Foundation’s mission for generations to come.

The Foundation is registered as a Canadian charity with the Canada Revenue Agency. Its charitable registration number is 895438919RR0001.

The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation is able to accept tax-deductible donations from US donors in partnership with CAF America. Please visit the Give Now page at CAF America’s website at to get started.


600 - 1980 Sherbrooke St. West

Montréal, QC, H3H 1E8

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