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RAN Mission

Registered Name: RUTH & NAOMI'S MISSION

Business No: 863030482RR0001

Transforming the lives of the poor, the homeless and the addicted by bringing hope and healing through the love of God.

RAN Mission

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RAN provides an array of services to assist members of our community who may be struggling with poverty, homelessness, addiction and mental health concerns. We provide a safe, structured, and shame-free environment for people to regain their physical, mental, relational, and spiritual health.  

We help people from all ages and stages of life with full cycle of services and supports.   

  • We facilitate a temporary shelter called Pathways where the homeless community have access to a bed, shower, and breakfast.   
  • ReVive is a semi-permanent shelter where they have a bed to call their own, three delicious meals a day, and dedicated Client Engagement Worker to assist them on a path to permanent housing.   
  • If anyone finds themselves or facing food insecurity, we provide a nightly hot meal.  
  • OASIS Women and Men’s Treatment Centre to help regain physical, mental, relational, and spiritual health.  
  • NewHope Street Medical Clinic, with access to primary health care services with a family physician, nurse, and other health care providers in a safe, non-threatening and hope-filled environment.  
  • Clothing Wearhouse offers clothing and bedding for the low-to-no income community.  
  • Family Centre has 36 clean and modern suites supporting low-income families and individuals, with a fully-licenses Kid’s Club Child Care facility located on the ground floor! The Centre is staffed 24/7, with a state-of-the-art security system to keep our residents safe.   




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