Business No: 898819693RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
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Our Mission
Carmichael Outreach is a registered charity located in Regina, Saskatchewan that provides various services to those in our community who experience poverty and homelessness. Our mission is to foster empowerment through dignity, respect, and advocacy in our community.
Our vision is to see the END of poverty and homelessness in our community. We know that this will be a big job – no one person, group, or organization can end homelessness alone. That is why we all need to come together to do our parts, however big or small.
For over 30 years Carmichael Outreach has helped to alleviate the ill-effects of poverty in Regina. We currently offer many unique services and programs to assist and engage those in our community who are most directly affected by our city's poverty. These supports include addictions and mental health supports, Life Skills education, our food security program (we feed between 250-350 people 6 days a week), our free clothing boutique, and our Housing Support Program.
With the help of many partners and volunteers we are able to leverage our very-modest operating budget into a very-significant community impact.
For example:
-Our dedicated volunteers, most of whom also use our services, collectively clock more work-hours annual than our paid staff do.
-By partnering with local business and organizations, Carmichael Outreach's Food Security Program served over 60,000 meals in 2021.
None of Carmichael Outreach's work would be possible without the generosity of our many community-minded donors.
Thank you for think of us and please give generously.
supporter wall
Diane F donated!
In memory of Pat Sharp 🩶
Tom and Shirley S donated!
Thanks for all your amazing work!
Gerry G donated $200.00!
Thank you for all the great work that you do.
Vic W donated $500.00!
Great having the community cupboard on your property.
Francoise K donated $500.00!
The women of St. Martin’s Crafters are please to be able to help with your effor...
Sheila F donated $15.00!
Thank for all of the amazing work that you do!