Business No: 119306389RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
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Our Mission
To establish a place and a presence to worship God, proclaim the Kingdom of God and make the love of God in Christ known. Our plan to carry out this purpose involves structured worship, thoughtful spirituality, dynamic fellowship, creative teaching and caring mission.
Like you, we’re on a journey. Along the way, we experience breathtaking views, gentle curves and unexpected roadblocks. Sometimes the effort to navigate wears us down. God doesn’t push all the hazards out of our way, He gives us comfort and strength and replenishment to keep us going. In community with other travelers, we discover the meaning and compassion of God’s love.
Yorkminster Park cultivates community in a unique way. Through preaching, music and traditional worship we nourish the spiritual growth of the congregation. Through our commitment to share our talents and passions, we embrace the neighbourhood outside our doors in creative and life-changing ways.
As a relevant and dynamic family of God’s people, we cherish our diversity as an asset and a gift. Whether young or old, a lifelong believer or a new Christian, from a different culture or tradition, or if you have never been in a church before, you will find Yorkminster Park a welcoming and stimulating environment.
supporter wall
Merrill E donated $2,000.00!
We are unable to get out to church and appreciate being able to stream your ser...
charlene Y donated $50.00!
Donation to refugee support
Michelle O donated!
Thanks for preaching the Gospel.
Charlene Y donated $20.00!
Thank you for all the great jobs you are doing to save life of the humanity in t...
Glenys P donated $100.00!
Than you for all the great work you do
Helen Suzanne W donated $400.00!
Dave, this is a donation to YPBC that will be tripled as a donation from you....