Creation Ministries International
Registered Name: Creation Ministries International (Canada)
Business No: 118878891RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
CMI exalts God as Creator by equipping churches, empowering believers, and evangelizing the lost through the teaching of biblical creation.
About Creation Ministries International
CMI is a church-building ministry. Our 7 Canadian speakers bring educational, faith-building resources with them as they visit churches across Canada. CMI provides biblically sound, and scientifically accurate answers to questions people have about Genesis and the creation/evolution issue. With offices internationally, we employ PhD scientists and work with the global community of Bible-believing scientists to ensure scientific accuracy. Our website ( features over 15,000 faith-building articles summarizing more than 40 years of creationist research. The Canadian office produces CMI's TV show Creation Magazine LIVE! in addition to other teaching videos available for free online. These programs, along with speaking events happening all over Canada are funded entirely by Canadian supporters.