Industrial Areas Foundation Canada (IAFC)
Registered Name: Industrial Areas Foundation Canada
Business No: 848143442RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
IAFC teaches community organizing skills and develops leaders who can create effective local community alliances.
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The Industrial Areas Foundation Canada is a registered charity that was created to teach community organizing skills and develop leaders who can create effective local community alliances. Currently three organizations are affiliated to Industrial Areas Foundation Canada (IAFC) . The Metro Vancouver Alliance (MVA), the Calgary Alliance for the Common Good - Calgary (CACG), the Greater Edmonton Alliance (GEA) and Greater Victoria Acting Together (GVAT). To support the educational work of a specific affiliate please choose the appropriate fund below.
supporter wall
KELLEY W donated $50.00!
Thanks for your good work!
Naomi F donated $500.00!
Happy to support your work!