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Mildred Needs Your Help!


Business No: 118983550RR0001

Mildred Needs Your Help!

Update: Mildred has had her surgery with the specialist to remove her prolapsed vaginal tissue which went well with no complications. Other great news for Mildred is that we received the biopsy results from one of her mammary tumours and it came back benign!

Further x-rays were taken of her hips and pelvis due to her abnormal walk and stance. The results showed chronic hip dislocations in both legs, which were never treated in the past. Due to these injuries she will need a modified lifestyle (no stairs or jumping), and long term pain medication to keep her comfortable moving forward.

Mildred will be back in approximately 2 weeks for her final procedures that will include dental work and removal of the remaining mammary tumours. In the meantime she will be resting and relaxing with her foster parent.

You can still help and show us your support by donating towards Mildred and other vulnerable animals just like her. Thank you for all of the support and love for Mildred!

Mildred is a small, geriatric dog, estimated at 12 years old who was brought in by a member of the public on July 30th. The finder reported that the dog was found on the side of the road in Kitchener-Waterloo, in a plastic bag. When our veterinary team did a physical examination of her, they found a list of chronic health concerns that she is suffering from:

- Chronic vaginal prolapse

- Severely overgrown toenails

- Multiple mammary tumours

- Dental disease

- Arthritis

Our vet team has performed screening blood-work and x-rays to evaluate any underlying health conditions. She has already undergone an emergency spay procedure and immediately had the largest of her mammary tumours removed to be sent to the laboratory to determine if it is malignant or benign.

Mildred will continue to need multiple surgeries to correct these conditions. She will require surgery to correct her vaginal prolapse, a dental procedure, and removal of the remaining mammary tumours.

She is a very sweet and affectionate dog who truly needs your help now more than ever!