Human Cargo
Registered Name: Human Cargo Theatre
Business No: 814510616RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
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Human Cargo is dedicated to the creation of theatre that explores the extremes of the human condition. It’s our goal to bring new voices to the world stage, offer diverse perspectives of the human condition and celebrate our evolving Canadian identity.
We collaborate with theatre artists and companies in Canada, and around the world, to create our work. We develop our plays over long periods of time, in the countries and communities the play is set in, and present these multi-lingual productions, with international casts, in Canada and the places they were created in.
We strive to create innovative, theatrical experiences that will inspire audiences to re-evaluate their personal and global perspectives of the human condition. We provide a safe environment for audiences to engage in a thorough and thought-provoking discussion of ideas. We implement a touring/presentation model that reaches out to a new generation of viewing public and embraces the diverse make-up of our ever-changing society.
Devoted to the empowerment of youth, we strive to present their stories in our work and create opportunities for youth to excel.