Registered Name: HelpAge Canada - Aide aux Aînés (Canada)
Business No: 118955921RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
HelpAge Canada strives to foster a world where all older people can lead secure, healthy, active, and dignified lives.
In 1975, a group of volunteers, concerned that no Canadian charitable organization represented the interests and needs of older persons in Canada, came together to found “Help the Aged Canada.” This was the beginning of what is known today as HelpAge Canada, an organization more committed than ever to improving how people age.
HelpAge Canada is exclusively dedicated to supporting community organizations and the older people they serve. As a founding member of the HelpAge Global Network – a unique worldwide alliance of over 170 members in 91 countries – we stand up for the rights of older people in Canada and around the world.