Healthy Generations
Business No: 118920412RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Healthy Generations We are committed to working with others to support the health needs of children and youth.
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Our Story
Since 1985, Healthy Generations has raised funds to support the goal it shares with the Canadian Paediatric Society of improving the health and well-being of children and youth.
Healthy Generations does so by supporting three priority projects: the Dr. Barry Adams Paediatric Resident Advocacy Education Grant, the Kent Saylor Bursary for Indigenous Medical Students and Healthy Child Uganda.
Funding Priorities
Dr. Barry Adams Paediatric Resident Advocacy Education Grant
Paediatric residents are the future and as advocates for youth, they are very fortunate to have the continued support of donors, who provide them with the opportunity to enhance their education through the support of grants.
Each year, paediatric residents are invited to submit grant proposals to Healthy Generations. Each proposal outlines a community-based initiative that focuses on increasing access of care for underserved children and youth, and/or address health disparities among children and youth in their community. Once received, a committee reviews the submissions and selects the projects they feel will have the most positive impact on children and youth. Review past projects.
Through the funding of grants, donors continue to assist Healthy Generations in making resident advocacy education a priority. These opportunities, provided to residents during their training, will have a positive impact on them as they continue in advocacy roles throughout their careers.
Kent Saylor Bursary for Indigenous Medical Students
The Dr. Kent Saylor Bursary for Indigenous Medical Students is awarded each year to encourage First Nations, Inuit and Métis medical students to consider a career in paediatrics.
Healthy Child Uganda
Healthy Child Uganda (HCU) is a community-based partnership that works with local Ugandans to identify and address the problems that most impact health for mothers, babies and children. Uganda has amongst the highest maternal and child death rates in the world; most of these deaths can be easily prevented using low cost strategies. Most child deaths are due to malaria, pneumonia, diarrhea, measles and deaths in the newborn period. Community education and programs encouraging good nutrition, clean water, mosquito nets and appropriate care seeking when illness does occur can avert needless child deaths. Maternal deaths can be prevented with birth plans, simple supplies (i.e. birth kits, locally known as ‘Maama kits’), basic equipment at health centres and improved training of health workers. HCU develops and provides training to volunteer community health workers as well as local health staff related to maternal and child health and provides support to those trained and special needs children in their communities. HCU is committed to three guiding principles: participatory development, health promotion and sustainability.
Healthy Child Uganda trained volunteers now number of 2500, reaching populations of nearly 350,000 people, 20% of whom are under five years old. Whole villages where HCU works benefit from their trained volunteers and also from community initiatives such as community projects and transportation plans. Health centres benefit from better trained personnel and equipment. Results are impressive—dramatic declines in child deaths and prevalence of killer diseases like malaria, malnutrition and diarrhea have been well documented. After a decade in many communities, change is very apparent, for individuals, families and whole villages.
Donations to HCU are directed to activities and projects of highest need. Past contributions have seen thousands of mosquito nets and birth kits purchased, special training courses provided to volunteers, special needs children supported for critical rehabilitation and surgeries and care, and purchase of key equipment to support safe deliveries at health centres.
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100 - 2305 St. Laurent Blvd.
Ottawa, ON , K1G 4J8
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Shirley B donated $100.00!
Thank you for all the great work you do!