Registered Name: Green Teacher
Business No: 124125337RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
We are dedicated to helping educators, both inside and outside of schools, enhance environmental literacy among young learners.
Who We Are
Serving a global network, Green Teacher is dedicated to helping educators, both inside and outside of schools, enhance environmental literacy among young learners.
We accomplish this by serving educators through five channels: quarterly digital magazine (running in North America since 1991), books, webinars, podcasts (Talking with Green Teachers and Earthy Chats), and professional development.
We enhance environmental literacy among young learners by equipping both practicing and aspiring environmental educators in all educational contexts with innovative, relevant, evidence-based resources.
Each successive generation of young learners is more environmentally literate than the last.
Evidence-backed: Our resources are based on evidence that reflects the current scientific consensus.
Inclusive: We actively engage with many different communities within the broad and diverse field of environmental education.
Mutualistic: Our many collaborations with individuals and organizations are mutually beneficial.
Relevant: Our activities and resources reflect the ever-evolving needs of environmental educators.