Golden and District Community Foundation
Business No: 881234116RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
The purpose of the foundation is to support programs which advance the widest ranging community improvements in such areas as arts and culture, health and social services, heritage preservation, community facilities and programs, education, sports and recreation.
Want to support our Foundation operations? Make a gift to the Administration Fund.
Want to support Arts & Culture? You can make a gift to the Arts & Culture Endowment, or the Cecil & Edel Parson Memorial Fund which provides annual funding to the Golden Museum.
Want to support young people in our community? Choose the Youth in Sports Fund or the Youth Advisory Council Fund.
Want to support Search and Rescue activities in Golden and area? Choose the Allen Williams Memorial Fund.
Or check out our range of named funds and scholarships.