Sisters Poor of Jesus Christ
Registered Name: Fraternity Poor of Jesus Christ Inc.
Business No: 703869917RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.

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"Jesus all, all of Jesus". This is the phrase that covers and summarizes the entire Charism of the Sisters of the Poor of Jesus Christ. There is in us a deep will and even a daring desire, to want Jesus entirely and to be totally His. The Gospel lived “sine glossa” offers us the sure way by which we can embody all His life in our own lives.
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Ronald R donated $500.00!
Keep up the good work and the prayers!
Lovelle E donated $50.00!
God bless your mission, sisters PJC. Thank you for everything you do in the name...
Ronald R donated $200.00!
Welcome to the new residents!