Once upon a time in a far, far away land of Home Hardware-ia there lived two people, a great looking person by the name of Matt, and a person of distinguished looks by the name of Caleb. Seeing as they are men of great hair and facial hair, and there can only be one person with great hair in the land of Home Hardware-ia, one day Matt threw down the gauntlet to Caleb, challenging him to a fight to the death, last person standing (or in Matt's case sitting) keeps their hair. Since the rules of Home Hardware-ia don't allow fights to the death, they decided to instead raise money for Bluey Days, with the person who raises the most money getting to keep their hair, and the loser shaving their head.

Decide amongst yourselves which of these men should keep their hair and who amongst them should be shamefully shaved and kicked out of Home Hardware-ia. Vote with your donation who should be shaved, you can also donate at Home Hardware FSJ.

In the case of a tie both Caleb and Matt will be shaved!



Donated By


May 29, 2024 2:55 PM

Donation was made through Matt Koop


Donated By


May 29, 2024 2:49 PM

Donation was made through Caleb Gillis


Donated By


May 25, 2024 1:20 PM

Donation was made through Matt Koop


Donated By


May 25, 2024 12:37 PM

Donation was made through Caleb Gillis