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$3,250.00raised of $2,500.00
Campaign Ended June 2, 2024
Hi! My name is Asuncion, and I work as the Community Giving and Event Coordinator of the Fort St. John Hospital Foundation.
I learned about Bluey Day in 2012 when we moved to Fort St. John from the Philippines. I have always said that one day I will participate in this amazing fundraiser where participants register, raise funds and on Bluey Day have their heads shaved! May 25, 2024 will be that day!
Being part of the cancer journeys of families and friends has taught me the critical importance of access to excellent healthcare and the support of loved ones. It's clear that proximity to both quality medical care and emotional support significantly impacts a patient's journey. No one should have to travel far to receive the care they need.
I want to offer this fundraiser and Bluey Day experience to all my family and friends who have been touched by cancer.
The funds raised from Bluey Day will be used to buy an MRI Coil for the Imaging Department at FSJ Hospital. This equipment will help facilitate early diagnosis and treatment, ultimately improving patient outcomes.
Help me reach my goal by donating now!
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