Fund birthing centres in Senegal
Registered Name: Fondation Sénégal Santé Mobile
Business No: 734873524RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.

Fund birthing centres in Senegal
In Canada having a baby is a joyous event. The same is true for women in Senegal but birthing conditions are not always there to support difficult births, so women also fear that they may face this alone and without qualified care.
For example: 5 women in Senegal die of pregnancy-related conditions everyday. Only half of the women in Senegal are attended by a trained professional during labour. Right now many Senegalese women give birth at home without sterile conditions
Also 1 in 19 Senegalese babies die at birth and a third of infant deaths are due to infection at birth
We are asking you to help us beat these statistics
We will deliver Mother and Child Birthing Kits to 3 -5 birthing centres in February 2015. They will provide a safe and clean place for babies to come into the world.
Give a gift of a safe birth to a Senegalese mother. Give the gift of life to a Senegalese child.
In 2014, we launched the Serviettes SantéVie® (LifePads Africa) project that provides reusable, cotton menstrual pads - an environmental and viable alternative for women and girls.
Thank you from the Fondation Sénégal Santé Mobile
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