First Book Canada
Business No: 888754603RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
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We are a social enterprise and a charity, using a market-based model to disrupt the current system. Along with our book publishing partners, we are filling the gap in book ownership. We are working to ensure that kids in need have as much opportunity as possible, to build a healthy future for themselves and the rest of Canadians. By building up the home libraries of children from low-income and historically excluded communities, we work to develop resilient communities and reduce the educational inequities that entrench many Canadians in poverty.
A child’s “first book” is not necessarily their first reading experience – it is that first book that they connect with, which sets them on a lifelong path of learning and inspiration. A book can unlock a child’s own story.
Books are essential.
• Reading aloud with infants increases synapse development and cognitive function.
• A diet of two books a day can give a child a vocabulary of hundreds of thousands of words by kindergarten.
• Self-identification really sets in around the age of eight. Seeing yourself in an empowered storybook character, who looks and talks like you is so important. Owning those books is empowering.
• FBC programs emphasize the importance of diversity & inclusion in the development of essential skills beyond literacy - including social & emotional competencies, S.T.E.A.M. education, and youth empowerment as change-makers.
The books, we put into the hands of kids in need, provide windows to a wider world; reveal mirrors to reflect empowered, diverse experiences; and open doors to lifelong learning and opportunity.
Since 2009, we have distributed more than 10 million books and educational resources to kids via a network of over 20,000 members serving Canadian kids in need, in every province and territory - including schools, shelters, social service organizations, new-immigrant transition centres, hospitals, foodbanks, and sports organizations.
Our collective work would not be possible without the support of our donor, book-publishing, corporate, government & foundation partners.
To DONATE and for more impact information, please visit: and The FBC Marketplace or contact
Charitable Registration Number: 888754603RR000
What people are saying
supporter wall
Alice D donated $200.00!
Thank you for your important work! Reading is a rainbow.
Peter E donated $500.00!
Thinking of you all !
Eleanor P donated $250.00!
A great program to inspire readers - of all ages.
Peter E donated $500.00!
This is a great idea. I just found out about you.
Yue Xi L donated $300.00!
Thank you for all the work you are doing bringing books to the children in Canad...
Jessica Y donated $40.00!
Thank you for helping all children reach their potential!