No Net Pens
Business No: 891266744RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Nature Nova Scotia is partnering with the Healthy Bays Network to campaign against the expansion of open net-pen finfish aquaculture.
The Healthy Bays Network is a community-driven alliance of individuals and organizations with a shared vision for sustainable coastal economies and healthy bays free of open net-pen aquaculture in Nova Scotia. Our mission is to stop the expansion of open net-pen finfish aquaculture in Nova Scotian waters and to ensure a transition from open net-pen finfish aquaculture in Canada. Together, we advocate as a unified voice in opposition to the open net-pen finfish industry, doing whatever it takes to protect our bays. We engage decision-makers and empower individuals with the support they need to take action in stewardship of the waters they know and love.