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Conservation Action for Birds


Business No: 891266744RR0001

Conservation Action for Birds

The State of Canada's Birds Report provides scientific insight into the population status of 463 bird species that occur regularly in Canada. The most recent report, released in fall 2024, reveals concerning trends for many species that call Nova Scotia home. Shorebirds are continuing to decline, with a drop of 42% since 1970. The populations of some species, like the Hudsonian Godwit, have fallen by over 90 percent. Aerial insectivores like the Bank Swallow and the Chimney Swift have declined by 43% since 1970, likely due to habitat- and pesticide-related declines in insect populations. For these and many other birds, we could be doing more to help.

That's why Nature Nova Scotia is a founding member of the Bird Friendly Halifax Coalition, working to make our largest city a friendlier place for our avian neighbours through municipal policy and resident engagement, and why we launched Operation Window Strike, helping landowners in the Halifax area reduce deadly window strikes. To help fill data gaps and support federal priorities in pollution monitoring, in 2023 we started monitoring waterbirds in the Ports of Halifax and Sydney.

Support our work advocating for and stewarding Nova Scotia's birds with a donation to our Conservation Action for Birds Fund.